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Battery Life on iOS 5.1.1

May 17, 2012 Leave a comment
Ever since the release of iOS 5 alongside the iPhone 4S, Apple has been struggling to bring the battery life up to par. At first the belief was that perhaps the issue was hardware related, rather than the software that it shipped with. Soon though, it was clear that owners of the iPhone 4 and other hardware were also suffering from less than stellar battery life. Problems indeed.
Apple set about bringing new releases of iOS to the masses after admitting that there was actually an issue, and that iOS 5.0 and subsequent point releases were not as good at conserving the juice as they should have been. Apple has been trying to play catch-up ever since.

The latest release, iOS 5.1.1, was not actually, publicly at least, put out there in order to improve battery life performance across the iPhone and iPad line. It seems that it may have managed it by accident, though, depending on who you talk to.

A quick flick through my Twitter stream reveals the iOS 5.1.1 update has had a wide ranging effect on people’s hardware and its ability to last longer on a single charge. Some have reported that the improvement is rather dramatic, especially on Apple’s latest release, the new iPad. Others have reported that the opposite is indeed the case, and that 5.1.1 has caused a degradation in battery performance. Yet others say it is no different.
While all this points to battery life being exactly what we knew it was, and that is unpredictable, I can only really report on my own experience. That experience has been nothing short of amazing.
Since updating toiOS 5.1.1, I have found that my iPhone 4S can last well over a day on a single charge, with fairly heavy usage. I also have two Exchange accounts pushing email, calendar appointments and contacts as well as all the usual Twitter, Google+ and Facebook push notifications going on.
I also have Beejive IM running for all my Gtalk and MSN needs, but more surprisingly, I have had Skype running, too. If you check out the screenshot attached, you will see why I think it is so impressive.
iOS 5.1.1 battery life iPhone 4S
Unfortunately, none of this really means a great deal. If you are getting great battery life, then you should probably feel rather lucky. If it is particularly bad, then a full restore may be in order just on the off-chance that something has gone awry somewhere along the line. If you are somewhere in-between, then you should just be happy that your iPhone lasts as long as it does, because chasing those extra hours by turning things off will never really be worth the hassle of losing out on functionality.
If you’ve got an iPad, then you’re probably rarely having to find that little white plug anyway!

Categories: Uncategorized

Google Tapping In Multiple Partners For Future Nexus Devices With Android 5.0, First Wave Coming This Fall

May 17, 2012 Leave a comment
Having dipped its toes into the branded mobile device game, Google is all set to expand its Nexus program, according to a Wall Street Journal report. The search giant is apparently planning to offer early access to future Android iterations to up to five device OEMs, with the intention of selling the devices directly to consumers.
Up until this point, the Big G’s battle plan has consisted of selling just one flagship device through a solitary OEM partner, but in quintessentially-Google fashion, there will be a much stronger emphasis on this market, and like the Android mobile ecosystem itself, Google will be looking to make a significant, lasting impression.
Galaxy Nexus
Just recently, it laid the foundations for a potential expansion of this nature by resuscitating its online direct-to-consumer sales portal, through which it used to sell the Nexus One unlocked. Meanwhile, the Nexus S and much-lauded (yet rather disappointing) Galaxy Nexus were retailed through third-parties and mobile carriers.
The devices in question however, are most likely be sold unlocked without carrier restrictions, and at full retail price, and it is thought the devices could – if all goes to plan – be around by Thanksgiving, which would inevitably equate to stronger sales boosted by the holiday rush.
Although the Google Play Store only sells the Galaxy Nexus in the US of A, the WSJ’s report reckons Google will offer the new, bolstered catalog to a much wider audience – including parts of Europe and Asia.
With Google’s acquisition of Motorola almost done and dusted, many OEMs would have feared its new purchase would be getting vastly preferential treatment as Google tries to haul Android almost completely in-house, but this move should pay heed to all that.
In addition, Google is looking to get OEMs competing based on hardware alone, which will certainly help with the continual prosperity of Android itself. Ice Cream Sandwich’s release was delayed heavily by the custom Android skins added by each OEM, every one of which meant ICS needed to be tailored and adapted to each device for optimum functionality. By keeping the software implications similar for each device, Google will be looking to avoid such a fiasco with Android Jelly Bean (5.0) – set to be released later this year.
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Next iPhone Will Reportedly Have Screen Measuring “At Least 4 Inches”

May 17, 2012 Leave a comment
With Apple looking likely to follow the launch pattern they set in 2011 with the iPhone 4S, users can expect to see an announcement and launch of the sixth-generation iPhone around October time. As the expected release date draws closer, the inevitable speculation and conjecture about the possible aesthetics of the device have started to surface.
In a report released this morning, The Wall Street Journal have cited information provided from a “source familiar with the situation“, stating that Apple have placed orders with their Asian-based suppliers for displays that are larger than ones used in all previous iterations of the iPhone. The original iPhone, launched in 2007, and all models since have featured the same 3.5-inch (diagonal) display, but if the latest hear-say is to be believed then that could all change with the next iPhone.
With a number of manufacturers involved in the smartphone marketplace introducing Android devices that feature large, crystal clear displays, it would seem that Apple’s hand has almost been forced when it comes to the diagonal screen size of their next iPhone. The ordered displays are rumored to be around the 4-inches mark, meaning that the Cupertino company hasn’t opted for the extreme end of the scale and instead chosen to increase the size on a smaller scale. The Wall Street Journal is also reporting that Apple intend to procure their displays from LG Display, Japan Display Inc. and Sharp.
iPhone 4S Camera
If the reports of the large screen real estate do prove to be accurate, then it is worth considering that this is actually an evolutionary upgrade rather than an attempt to appease consumers who are in favor of large displays. Nobuo Kurahashi, a Securities Analyst for Mizuho Investors believes that the iPhone still leads the way in an ever changing smartphone market and a change in screen size doesn’t necessarily mean the company is affected by the competition:

The smartphone market has become diverse, but the iPhone still sets the agenda. If Apple ever released a lower-priced iPhone, that would be more of a sign that the changing market environment is beginning to affect the company.

With the iPhone being considered by some as an iconic product in the smartphone industry, the inclusion of a large display is unlikely to be the catalyst for any large-scale aesthetic changes.

Categories: Uncategorized

Fold To Unlock’ Lock Screen Concept For iPhone

May 17, 2012 Leave a comment
One of the most important concept that exists within any mobile computing environment is the design of the user-facing interface. With mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets having limited screen real estate, it is vitally important that the operating system and any installed apps present all necessary information to the user in the most efficient and attractive manner possible.
Over the last few months a number of iOS apps have hit the App Store that implement a folding view-type effect that developers have used in a number of different instances throughout their apps. That exact effect appears to be the basis of a new lock screen concept that designer Anton Kudin on Dribbble, and he believes that it should replace Apple’s existing and traditional Slide to Unlock feature. Kudin, who is an interface and web designer, has taken to the popular designers paradise of Dribbble to share his idea with the pixel loving world.
The creation of iOS concepts is nothing new, after all we have seen a number of designers produce ideas ranging from what they believe the new iPhone should look like as well as a touchscreen, folding and rotating iMac. However, this fold-to-unlock lock screen concept is the one which could actually have a place in the real world if properly implemented by Apple, and I for once, would love to see it introduced, either officially or as a Cydia installation for jailbroken devices.
As beautiful as this concept lock screen looks, the designer does concede that he actually got the idea from a fellow designer who had produced a similar concept for Android devices. From a technical and user experience point of view, there isn’t really any reason why something like this couldn’t be very successful in a mobile device, after all, handsets like the Galaxy S II unlock by simply swiping the screen out of view. The addition of the folding screen would add a very attractive piece of polish to it.
Unfortunately, with Apple using their traditional slide-to-unlock method in all iPhones to date, as well as the iPod touch and iPad, and not that long ago, actively pursued a legal case against a manufacturer which they believed was infringing on their patent surrounding the method, it seems very unlikely we will see it change any time soon. I will continue to dare and dream, and if there are any jailbreak tweak developers reading this, I dare you to create a package like this.
Categories: Uncategorized

TinyUmbrella 5.11.00b Download Available – Save iOS 5.1.1 SHSH Blobs Now!

May 14, 2012 Leave a comment
Semaphore aka notcom has just updated its flagship TinyUmbrella utility to version v5.11.00b, extending its support to iOS 5.1.1 build 9B206 firmware. All users who seeks jailbreak in future must download the newest TinyUmbrella and save their SHSH blobs right away. If you accidently updated your device to newest firmware, these backed up SHSH blobs will come useful in event of downgrading the firmware.

Without these saved SHSH blobs, you will not be able to downgrade to old ipsw to re-jailbreak your iOS device (if exists). So what are you waiting for? Hit up TinyUmbrella 5.11.00b download link.
tinyumbrella 5.11.00b

Steps to save iOS 5.1.1 SHSH Blobs files on Mac or Windows

Step 1 : Download TinyUmbrella v5.11.00b from here to your Desktop.
Step 2 : Double click .dmg file to mount it and drag the Umbrella app from the mounted dmg into your Applications folder. Double click the Umbrella app to launch it.
Step 3 : Enter administrative username and password. Utility will then detect the type of device and its firmware.
Step 4 : Click the Advanced Tab. Since Cydia is no longer able to proxy SHSH request, uncheck “Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit” and “Request SHSH from Cydia.”
Step 5 : To obtain SHSH BLOBS for the latest iOS 5.1.1 firmware version, Press the Save My SHSH button.
You will notice a new entry in the Saved SHSHs for iPhone list confirming that you have successfully taken backup of your SHSH blobs. If the file that gets saved is anywhere from 60-65k bytes then the file should be just fine.
If you have trouble saving your SHSH file for iOS 5.1.1 using TinyUmbrella, just go to advanced settings of the TinyUmbrella and ‘Uncheck’ the “Request SHSH from Cydia” option (as shown in screenshot below). Then tap on “Save SHSH”.
Download TinyUmbrella 5.11.00b for Windows and Mac
[Update #1]: Developer of TinyUmbrella has issued a warning for all those who seeks to unlock their iPhone 4S in future. He has advised iPhone users not to select “overwrite shsh” AND “request shsh from cydia as they will overwrite your saved bbtickets (baseband Tickets). Here’s how to save BBTicket, if you haven’t already.

Categories: Uncategorized

Create SBSettings-Like Custom Shortcuts on iPhone Home Screen without Jailbreak

May 14, 2012 Leave a comment
Needless to say that accessing a specific iPhone setting is multiple-step operation which is time consuming and sometimes annoying when you are required to change it more often. For instance, changing the brightness of the display screen or changing WiFi settings. The jailbreak developer community has already developed a popular app called SB Settings (available via Cydia package) that provides a quick access to the core settings of the iPhone like Wifi, Bluetooth, and Brightness and so on. But the app requires jailbroken iPhone and the following method doesn’t.

Clay Russell of iPhoneaddict has devised a clever hack that allows you to create shortcut icons for iPhone settings that are buried deep inside your device. These custom icons which resembles (in quality) with those stock app icons can then be used to access a particular setting in a single click. The best part is that these settings toggles can be created on Homescreen without having to jailbreak the iPhone.

Don’t you worry, you need not have any basic Photoshop skill to create those stunning icons; nor do you need any programming skills. Even your grandma can do it by following the instructions listed below.
Step 1: Download and install the Icon Project app via Apple App Store which will assist you to create unlimited types of icons on both your Home screen and your Home screen folders. The app is available for $0.99 only.
Note: In order to run this application, you must make sure that JavaScript option is enabled. In case, if the create screen doesn’t appear; please check settings->Safari->JavaScript to make sure that JavaScript is not disabled.
Step 2: Select the type of shortcut you want to make. In this case, you must choose “URL (Homepage)”. Just input the link of the appropriate settings toggle into the text entry box. List of other input links are available below.

Note: You can use following preference shortcut addresses (CASE Sensitive) for shortcut icon.
Preference Shortcut Addresses for iPhone Settings
Step 3:  Follow the on-screen instructions to start designing your icon using built in icons, badges and frames. You can also decorate icon with colors and many text fonts available.
Step 4:  Select “Create”.

Step 5:  You will then be taken to a web page that displays your icon and gives you the option to add to the homescreen. Click the “Share” icon displayed at the bottom of your Safari app (shown in image just above).
Step 6: Name the shortcut icon and place it on the iPhone homescreen. It is recommended putting all such shortcut icons into a single folder for easy navigation.
Categories: Uncategorized

Redsn0w 0.9.11b4 toCreate Custom 5.1.1 NO_BB IPSW {DOWNLOAD NOW}

May 14, 2012 Leave a comment
In order to fix minor issues arising out of Redsn0w while downgrading iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 5.1 or iOS 5.0.1, iPhone Dev team has released version 0.9.11b4 of the jailbreak tool that fixes the strange “Restore failed” message, some users were getting. Redsn0w now doesn’t interfere with nearby devices that have WiFi syncing enabled. In addition to it, Redsn0w 0.9.11b4 provides tethered jailbreak support for iOS 5.1.1 (build 9B206) on A4 devices and earlier, including proper “Stitching” and “Custom” creation of NO_BB IPSWs.

iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS owners who preserve their baseband, the Redsn0w 0.9.11b4 can produce the NO_BB_* custom IPSWs for 5.1.1. They can use redsn0w’s “Custom IPSW” button to create a NO_BB_* version of the 5.1.1 IPSW and restore to that IPSW instead of the stock one. If you try restoring your iPhone to a stock Apple IPSW, your iPhone will be locked. This is still a tethered jailbreak for all except old-bootrom 3GS users.
redsn0w 0.9.11b4
We will soon be posting guide on how to create custom iOS 5.1.1 IPSW (NO_BB_* version) and restore the custom firmware on iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS without upgrading its baseband. You can then jailbreak your device with redsn0w and unlock it
Download redsn0w 0.9.11b4 for OS X and Windows
Categories: Uncategorized

How to Install Android Market On BlackBerry PlayBook

December 8, 2011 Leave a comment

We saw this happen with the Kindle Fire and HP
TouchPad , and we’re seeing it happen with the
BlackBerry PlayBook. RIM, just like HP, is
struggling to sell their iPad-competing tablet.
The PlayBook is now expected to go on a fire
sale soon to get rid of excess stock. You may
actually want to get yourself a PlayBook now,
though, since the modding community recently
managed to “jailbreak” it and you can now even
install Android Market on it! Check out our step-
by-step guide after the break which shows you
exactly how you can install Android Market to
play around with the wide variety of apps that
Android offers.

These instructions come straight from the
Step 1: Install PlayBook OS 2. 0 Beta on your
PlayBook [ ]
Step 2: Root your BlackBerry PlayBook with
DingleBerry [ Instructions ].
Step 3: Download Google Apps [ CyanogenMod
Step 4: Package an Android app as a .bar file,
install and launch it to set things up. Consider
installing a launcher app since it will be required
later on to actually launch Market. Get one from
here [ PlayBook BARS ]
Step 5: Using WinSCP for Windows, log into
your BlackBerry PlayBook as root. Copy the
system folder from Google Apps in Step 3 to the
root of your PlayBook’s storage and merge it
with the PlayBook’s own system folder.
Step 6: Using a terminal with root access, enter
the following commands:
mv /system/app/ SetupWizard. apk /system/app/
SetupWizard.apk. bak
Step 7: You must now kill the Android Player
cd /apps/sys .android.XXXX .ns/native /scripts
and then run ./android- player- kill-
The XXXX above is different for each device.
Step 8: Using a launcher from Step 4, launch
Android Market and enter account details.
If you followed the steps correctly, Android
Market will now be installed and working on
your BlackBerry PlayBook.

Categories: Uncategorized

Airtel launches new 3G Unlimited High Speed USB Data Card Plan in Rajasthan

December 7, 2011 Leave a comment

Airtel has launched a new 3G Unlimited High
Speed USB Data Card Plan, Airtel Super 950 in
Rajasthan. This plan is priced at Rs. 950 / month
and it would offer 7. 2 MBPS for the first 6 GB
data after that speed would be throttled to 20
kbps and remain unlimited for the rest of the
Airtel launched their 3G services in Rajasthan,
Jaipur in March and later expanded it to other
towns including, Chomu, Bharatpur, Dausa,
Pratapgarh and Chittorgorh later. Now Airtel 3G
is available across 42 towns in Rajasthan.
This offer is available for limited period in the
Double Dhamaka offer, after that high-speed
data would be 2. 5 GB in this plan.

Categories: Uncategorized

Fix The Apps Stuck On ‘Waiting’ To Install.(How To)

December 7, 2011 Leave a comment

Step by step, Apple has refined their mobile
operating system called the iOS. The 5th
installment, the iOS 5 which was released earlier
this year happens to be the best mobile OS
apple has come up with. With its seamless
integrations and design, iOS 5 is doing wonders.

However, one flaw which has been carried
forward right from the very start and is also in
the later iOS is the when an app you’re to
download gets stuck on ‘Waiting ’ to install.
Rebooting the device doesn’t help and the app
stuck on ‘waiting’ remains the same way which
also limits the usage of the phone at that point.
There are three suggested solutions for this
1. Erasing the big application files which cause
trouble in installing other apps.
2. Pause or terminate the files present in the
‘download ’ section of iTunes.
3. Erase and reinstall all the apps one by one.
Following these steps can fix this bug in the iOS
5, however if the problem still prevails, then
Apple’ s Discussion Forum can also be consulted
as it constitutes of experts from apple which can
very well solve all related problems.
The above mentioned solutions should not be
applied at the same time, one solution should be
tried, if it works then there you go, problem
solved. If not then the next solution can be

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